BOUVET Marcel Voir la fiche profil en français

- BOUVET Marcel
- Statut : Full-Professor
- Team : EMMD
- Function : Researchers
- Tags : Electroanalysis, Electrosynthesis, Molecular materials, Sensors
- Address :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aile B - Bureau B-411
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : (+33) 380 396 086
2008, Sept. 1st, Full Professor, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon ; promoted PR1 in 2012 and PRCE in 2018.
2008, Tremplin Recherche award, organized by the presidency of the French Senate
2007, nov. Invited Professor, Kyoto University (Japan), Institute for Chemical Research (Prof. N. Sato), supported by the Heiwa Nakajima foundation.
2002, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Paris VI, "From molecules to materials and from materials to devices. 1- Radical phthalocyanines and intrinsic semiconduction. 2- Calixarenes and sensors".
1995, Post-doc (NATO grant), Institute of Materials Science (Prof. S. J. Huang), University of Connecticut, USA: Chemical modification of polysaccharides, application to the complexation of ions.
1993, Associate Professor ESPCI Paris
1992, PhD thesis, University Paris VI, prepared and defended in ESPCI : "Radical phthalocyanines and naphthalocyanines: Intrinsic molecular semiconductors". Mention Très honorable with the congratulations of the jury (supervisor, Prof. J. Simon)
1988, Assistant ESPCI Paris
- Development of ambipolar gas sensors
- Development of molecular materials-based heterojunctions
- Solvent-free synthesis and shaping of charge transfer complexes in a confined environment
- Coordinator of the MatElectroCAP project, funded by the region Bourgogne Franche-Comté, in collaboration with Dr Lydie Viau (UTINAM) (2020-2023)
- Coordinator of the ELOCAP CNRS project with the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (Prof. Mabinty Bayo-Bangoura) (2021-2022).
- Scientific manager of the Hubert Curien Bosphore project, PHTHASENS, with the Technical University of Gebze (Dr Ümit Isçi and Dr Fabienne Dumoulin) Turkey, (2018-2019)
- Scientific manager at the UB of the ANR-15-CE39-0004-03 OUTSMART contract, coordinator: Prof. L. Douce, University of Strasbourg (2015-2019)
Author of more than 110 publications and 9 book chapters
10 representative publications (complete list of publications)
1- A. Kumar*, N. Alami Mejjati, R. Meunier-Prest, A. Krystianiak, O. Heintz,E. Lesniewska, C. H. Devillers*, M. Bouvet, Tuning of interfacial charge transport in polyporphine/phthalocyanine heterojunctions by molecular geometry control for an efficient gas sensor,Chem. Eng. J., 429, 132453, 2022.
2- G. Loma Kikobo, A. Kumar*, V. Vibhu, S. Ouedraogo, A. Deshotel, M. Mateos, R. Meunier-Prest, M. Bouvet*, Photon Assisted-Inversion of Majority Charge Carriers in Molecular Semiconductors-Based Organic Heterojunctions. J. Mater. Chem. C,
3- Z. Şahin, R. Meunier-Prest, F. Dumoulin, A. Kumar, Ü. Isci*, M. Bouvet,* Tuning of organic heterojunction conductivity by the substituents’ electronic effects in phthalocyanines for ambipolar gas sensors, Sens. Actuators B Chem., 332, 129505, 2021.
4- M. Bouvet, S. Ouedraogo, R. Meunier-Prest, "Ambipolar materials for gas sensing", in Ambipolar Materials and Devices, edited by Y. Zhou, S.-T. Han, Royal Society of Chemistry, Chapter 16,
5- G. Bengasi, R. Meunier-Prest, K. Baba,A. Kumar,A. L. Pellegrino, N. D. Boscher*, M. Bouvet*, Molecular Engineering of Porphyrin-Tapes/Phthalocyanine Heterojunctions for a Highly Sensitive Ammonia Sensor, Adv. Electron. Mater., 6, 2000812, 2020.
6- S. Ouedraogo*, A. Kumar, R. Meunier-Prest, M. Bayo-Bangoura, M. Bouvet*, Modulating the electrical properties of organic heterojunction devices based on phthalocyanines for ambipolar sensors, ACS Sensors, 5(6) 1849–1857, 2020 .
7- M. Mateos, M.-D. Tchangaï, R. Meunier-Prest*, O. Heintz, F. Herbst, J.-M. Suisse, M. Bouvet*, The low conductive electrodeposited poly(2,5-dimethoxyaniline) as a key material in a double lateral heterojunction, for sub-ppm ammonia sensing in humid atmosphere, ACS Sensors, 4, 740-747, 2019.
8- M. Bouvet,* M. Mateos, A. Wannebroucq, E. Navarrete, E. Llobet, Tungsten oxide – lutetium bisphthalocyanine n-p-n heterojunction: From nanomaterials to a new transducer for chemosensing, J. Mater. Chem. C,7, 6448 – 6455, 2019.
9- M. Mateos, R. Meunier-Prest*, O. Heintz, F. Herbst, J.-M. Suisse, M. Bouvet*, Comprehensive study of poly(2,3,5,6-tetrafluoroaniline): from electrosynthesis to heterojunctions and ammonia sensing, ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces, 10, 19974-19986,
10- M. Bouvet, The Porphyrin Handbook, Part II, vol 19 "Applications of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines", Chapter 118 "Radical Phthalocyanines and Intrinsic Semiconduction", Edited by K.M. Kadish, K.M. Smith, R. Guilard, Academic Press, 37-103, 2003.
- 35 invited conferences, including 32 in international congresses
- 21 oral communications, including 8 in international congresses
- 37 invited or oral communications presented by collaborators
- 34 invited seminars in laboratories, including 15 abroad
ESPCI - Paris (1989-2008)
ENS Cachan, MONABIPHOT Master (Erasmus Mundus) (2006-2009): Electrochemical biosensors
University of Burgundy (2008-)
- Electrochemistry, Kinetics in L3 Chemistry and Physics
- Electrochemical analysis methods, in L3Pro Pharmaceutical, Cosmetological and Health Industries Management, Production and Valorization (previously Quality Process Control)
- Online Analysis and Sensors, in Master 2 Chemical Control and Analysis (CAC)
- Molecular Materials and Devices in Master 2 Transition Metals in Molecular Chemistry (T2MC) (previously CMPP, then MMHD).
From molecule to material and from material to device
- Synthesis of phthalocyanines, calixarenes, charge transfer complexes, synthesis without any solvent, synthesis in a confined environment
- Shaping of molecular materials: Vacuum evaporation, solution processing techniques (solvent casting, spin coating), surface modification, electrografting, electropolymerization
- Devices: Heterojunctions, field-effect transistors, gas sensors, molecular semiconductors, ambipolar materials, organic electronics
- Head of the Electrochemistry, Molecular Materials and Devices (EMMD) team within ICMUB (2012-).
- Head of the Chemistry Department (UFR Sciences and Techniques) (2009-2013).
- Elected member of the board of the management committee, CNU sections 31, 32 and 33, University of Burgundy, 2014-2018.
- Member of the board of the Club des MicroCapteurs Chimiques (CMC2, 2018- ).
- Member of ANR scientific expertise committees (CES 8, Nanosciences for materials and biotechnologies, 2014; CES9, Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for products of the future, 2015 and 2016), and member of monitoring committees (2017 and 2018).
- Member of the Management Committee of the European action COST TD1105 EuNetAir "European Network on New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability", Dec. 2011- Nov. 2016.
- Editorial board member: Sensors (since 2018), Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Biomaterials (specialty section of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences and Frontiers in Materials) (since 2020), Sensors & Transducers (since 2008 ).
- Reviewer for international journals (231 times, including 87 from 2016 to 2020).