MALACEA KABBARA Raluca Voir la fiche profil en français

- Statut : Researcher (CR-HDR)
- Team : OCS
- Function : Researchers
- Tags : Catalysis, Coordination chemistry, Molecular imaging, Organometallic chemistry
- ORCID : 0000-0002-6684-1967
- Address :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aille B - Bureau B-220
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : (+33) 380 399 038
Habilitation - Bourgogne Franche-Comté University (2018)
CNRS researcher - Institute of Molecular Chemistry of the University of Burgundy (since 2009)
PhD in Organometallic Chemistry and Coordination - University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (2006)
Master in Organic Chemistry- Polytechnic School of Bucharest (2001)
Chemical Engineer Diploma - Polytechnic School of Bucharest (2000)
Heterofunctionalized amino acids for PET (positron emission tomography) imaging
Metal complexes for bioinorganic applications
Chiral titanocenes for catalysis
Unsymmetrical ruthenium complexes of functionalized phosphines
34 | A new Route toward (Aminomethyl)cyclopentadienide Ligands and their Group 4 Metal Complexes, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2018, 3813-3821 Quentin Bonnin, Sook-Yen Wong, Cédric Balan, Virginie Comte, Raluca Malacea, Marie-José Penouilh, Philippe Richard, Gerald Kehr, Adrien Normand, Gerhard Erker, Pierre Le Gendre |
33 | Atom Transfer Radical Addition catalysed by Ruthenium-Arene Complexes bearing a Hybrid Phosphine-Diene Ligand. Organometallics 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.organomet.7b00851 Florian Chotard, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Cédric Balan, Ewen Bodio, Michel Picquet, Philippe Richard, Miguel Ponce-Vargas, Paul Fleurat-Lessard, Pierre Le Gendre |
32 | Designing Silylated L-Amino Acids using a Wittig Strategy: Synthesis of Peptide Derivatives and 18F-Labelling, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, 5399-5409 Baptiste Rugeri, Hassib Audi, Pawel Jewula, Radouane Koudih, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Delphine Vimont, Jürgen Schulz, Philippe Fernandez, Sylvain Jugé |
31 | o-BF3-Phosphonium pincer moieties in the design of delocalized lipophilic cation based tracers for PET imaging of mitochondrial function. J. Nucl. Med. 2017, 58, 482-483 Shubhanchi Nigam, Juozas Domarkas, Julie Bernard, Goncalo Clemente, Benjamin Burke, Sylvain Juge, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, David Benoit, Christopher Cawthorne, Steve Archibald |
30 | [18F]Fluoride radiolabelling and stability of B-F…P pincer triphenylphosphonium derivatives for applications in mitochondrial imaging.J. Nucl. Med. 2015, 5, 636. Shubhanchi Nigam, Gonçalo Clemente, Julie Bernard, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara , Sylvain Jugé, Benjamin Burke, Anne-Marie Seymour, Chris Cawthorne, Steve Archibald |
29 | Ketone Hydrogenation with Iridium Complexes with “non N-H” Ligands: the Key Role of the Strong Base, ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 4368–4376 Joseph Hayes, Eric Deydier, Gregori Ujaque, Agustí Lledós, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Eric Manoury, Sandrine Vincendeau, Rinaldo Poli |
28 | Efficient Stereoselective Synthesis of Boron L-Amino acid Derivatives Using Wittig and Borylation Reactions, Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2015, 190, 953-954 Hassib Audi, Emmanuelle Rémond, Marie-Joëlle Eymin, Arnaud Tessier, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Sylvain Jugé |
27 | Phosphonium-Boronate Amino acid Derivatives as Fluoride Pincers for 18F-Labelling; Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. 2015, 190, 957-958 Julie Bernard, Goncalo Clemente, Benjamin P. Burke, Marie-Joëlle Eymin, Stephen J. Archibald, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Sylvain Jugé |
26 | o-Boronato- and o-Trifluoroborato-Phosphonium Salts Supported by L-α-Amino Acid Side Chain, J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80, 4289–4298 Julie Bernard, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Gonçalo S. Clemente, Benjamin P. Burke, Marie-Joëlle Eymin, Stephen J. Archibald, Sylvain Jugé |
25 | Efficient Synthesis of (P-Chiral) o-Boronated Phosphines from sec-Phosphine Boranes, Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 1216–1219 Jerome Bayardon, Julie Bernard, Emmanuelle Rémond, Yoann Rousselin, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Sylvain Jugé |
24 | Modular Hemisyntheses of Boronato- and Trifluoroborato L-NHBoc Amino Acid and Peptide Derivatives, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 7960-7972 Hassib Audi, Emmanuelle Rémond, Marie-Joëlle Eymin, Arnaud Tessier, Raluca Malacea-Kabbara, Sylvain Jugé |
23 | ortho-(Dimesitylboryl)phenylphosphines: Positive Boryl Effect in the Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling of 2-Chloropyridines, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355, 2274-2284 Raluca Malacea, Faouzi Chahdoura, Marc Devillard, Nathalie Saffon, Montserrat Gómez, Didier Bourissou |
22 | Combining planar and central chirality in ferrocene thiophosphine-sulfoxides, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry2013, 24, 612-620, Raluca Malacea, Jean-Claude Daran, Rinaldo Poli, Eric Manoury |
21 | Synthetically Derived Auxiliaries: Phosphorus Derivatives, Comprehensive Chirality 2012, 3, 528-559(Edited by Carreira, Erick M.; Yamamoto, Hisashi) Sylvain Juge, Raluca Malacea, Arnaud Tessier |
20 | Ruthenium–alkylidene catalysed cross-metathesis of fatty acid derivatives with acrylonitrile and methyl acrylate: a key step toward long-chain bifunctional and amino acid compounds, Green Chem. 2011, 13, 2911-2919 Xiaowei Miao, Raluca Malacea, Cedric, Fischmeister, Christian Bruneau, Pierre H. Dixneuf |
19 | A new insight into ortho-(dimesitylboryl)diphenylphosphines: applications in Pd-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura couplings and evidence for secondary π-interaction, Chem. Commun.2011, 47, 8163-8165 Raluca Malacea, Nathalie Saffon, Montserrat Gomez, Didier Bourissou |
18 | Cross-metathesis with acrylonitrile and applications to fatty acid derivatives , Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Tech. 2010, 112, 3-9 Christian Bruneau, Cedric Fischmeister, Xiaowei Miao, Raluca Malacea, Pierre H. Dixneuf |
17 | Asymmetric hydrosilylation, transfer hydrogenation and hydrogenation of ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes, Coord. Chem. Rev.2010, 254, 729-752 Raluca Malacea, Rinaldo Poli, Eric Manoury |
16 | Alkene metathesis and renewable materials: selective transformations of plant oils” in Green Metathesis Chem. Springer 2010, 185-206 Raluca Malacea, Pierre Dixneuf |
15 | Renewable materials as precursors of linear nitrile-acid derivatives via cross-metathesis of fatty esters and acids with acrylonitrile and fumaronitrile, Green Chem. 2009, 11, 152-155 Raluca Malacea, Cédric Fischmeister, Jean-Luc Dubois, Jean-Luc Couturier, Christian Bruneau, Pierre H. Dixneuf |
14 | Synthesis and structure of Pt(0) and Pt(II) complexes supported by chiral fereocenyl (P,S) ligands, J. Mol. Str. 2008, 890, 249-254 Raluca Malacea, Eric Manoury, Jean-Claude Daran, Rinaldo Poli |
13 | Ruthenium allenylidenes and indenylidenes as catalysts in alkene metathesis; Allenylidenes and Vinylidenes in Catalyis, Wiley-VCH, 2008, 251-278 Raluca Malacea, Pierre H. Dixneuf |
12 | “Phosphporus sulfur ligands” in Trivalent Phosphorus Compounds in Asymmetric Catalysis, Synthesis and Applications, A. Börner Eds. Wiley-VCH, 2008, 749-784 Raluca Malacea,Eric Manoury |
11 | Palladium and Platinum Complexes with Planar Chiral 1,2-disubstituted ferrocenes containing phosphine and thioether donor groups, J. Organomet. Chem. 2008, 693, 1469-1477 Raluca Malacea, Lucie Routaboul, Eric Manoury, Jean-Claude Daran, Rinaldo Poli |
10 | Catalytic three-phase diastereoselective hydrogenation of o-toluic and 2-methyl nicotinic acid derivatives: In-situ FTIR/ATR investigation, Vibrational Spectroscopy 2007, 45, 18-26 Albin Pintar, Raluca Malacea, Catherine Pinel, Michele Besson |
9 | Highly efficient asymmetric hydrogenation of alkyl aryl ketones catalyzed by iridium complexes with chiral planar ferrocenyl phosphino-thioether ligands, Adv. Synth. Catal.2007, 349, 309-313 Erwan Le Roux, Raluca Malacea,Eric Manoury, Rinaldo Poli, Luca Gonsalvi, Maurizio Peruzzini. |
8 | Parahydrogen studies of H2 addition to Ir(I) complexes containing a chiral phosphine-thioether ligand: Implications for catalysis, Dalton. Trans. 2006, 27, 3350-3359 Raluca Malacea, Jean-Claude Daran, Simon B. Duckett, John P. Dunne, Cyril Godard, Eric Manoury, Rinaldo Poli and Adrian C. Whitwood |
7 | Coordination chemistry and diphenylacetylene hydrogenation catalysis of planar chiral ferrocenyl phosphine-thioether ligands with cyclooctadieneiridium(I) Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 1803-1816 Raluca Malacea, Eric Manoury, Lucie Routaboul, Jean-Claude Daran, Rinaldo Poli, John P. Dunne, Adrian. C. Withwood, Cyril Godard, Simon. B. Duckett. |
6 | A new class of rhodium(I) к1-P and к2-P,N complexes with rigid PTN(R) ligands (ptn = 1,5,7-triaza-3-phosphabicyclo[3.3.1]-nonane, R = Me, Ph),Organometallics2006, 25, 2189-2200 Andrew D. Phillips, Luca Gonsalvi, Maurizio Peruzzini, Jean-Claude Daran, Raluca Malacea, Rinaldo Poli. |
5 | Diastereoselective hydrogenation of a cyclic β-ketoformyl derivative on supported metal catalysts,J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.2005, 227(1-2), 125-131 Raluca Malacea, Mircea Banciu, Mircea Pop, Michele Besson, Catherine Pinel. |
4 | In situ monitoring of catalytic three-phase enantioselective hydrogenation using FTIR/ATR spectroscopy, Appl. Catal. A 2004, 264(1), 1-12 Albin Pintar, Raluca Malacea, Catherine Pinel, Gabriella Fogassy, Michele Besson. |
3 | Heterogeneous diastereoselective hydrogenation of pyridine and corresponding enamine covalently bound to pantolactone, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chem.2004, 210(1-2), 205-209 Najiba Douja, Raluca Malacea, Michele Besson, Catherine Pinel. |
2 | Diastereoselective heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenation of 2-methylnicotinic acid using pyroglutamate chiral auxiliary, Tetrahedron Lett. 2003, 44(37), 6991-6993 Najibe Douja, Raluca Malacea, Mircea Banciu, Michele Besson, Catherine Pinel. |
1 | Flow-vacuum pyrolysis of 2,5-diphenyl-4-methyloxazole, Rev. Roum. Chimie2003, 47(5), 493-498 Mircea Banciu, Daniela Istrati, Iosif Schiketanz, Dan Mihaiescu, Constantin Draghici, Raluca Malacea. |
19 oral communications including 14 as a speaker (from which 3 were on invitation)
25 poster communications
Organic Chemistry and Stereochemistry (1st and 3rd year of Chemistry) since
2013 Teaching in Organic Chemistry -Fournier Laboratories (Inventiva), Daix (2010-2012) - continuing education
Pharmacognosy - Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Burgundy (2011)
Organic Chemistry, IUT Castres / University Paul Sabatier (2008)