MONCHAUD David Voir la fiche profil en français

- Statut : Researcher (DR)
- Team : PD2A
- Function : Researchers
- Tags : Chemical biology, Molecular imaging, Photophysics, Synthetic chemistry
- ORCID : 0000-0002-3056-9295
- ORCID ID : 0000-0002-3056-9295
- Scopus Author ID : 6506084183
- Address :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aille B - Bureau B-R16
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : (+33) 380 399 043
2024 : CNRS Senior researcher (DR1 CNRS), ICMUB, CNRS UMR6302, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
2017 : CNRS Senior researcher (DR2 CNRS), ICMUB, CNRS UMR6302, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
2011 : Accreditation to Supervise Research diploma (i.e. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, HDR), ICMUB, CNRS UMR5260, Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
2009 : CNRS researcher (CR1 CNRS), ICMUB, CNRS UMR5260, Université de Bourgogne. Lab of Pr. Franck Denat (Dijon, France).
2007 : CNRS researcher (CR2 CNRS), Curie Institute, CNRS UMR176. Lab of Dr. Marie-Paule Teulade-Fichou (Orsay, France).
2005 : CNRS researcher (CR2 CNRS), Collège de France, CNRS UPR285. Lab of Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn & Dr. M.-P. Teulade-Fichou (Paris, France).
2004 : Post-doctoral fellow (CNRS - Sanofi-Aventis grant), Collège de France. Lab of Prof. J.-M. Lehn, Dr. M.-P. Teulade-Fichou and Patrick Mailliet (Paris, France).
2003 : Post-doctoral fellow PharmaLEADS, (Paris, France).
2002 : Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Geneva. Lab of Prof. Jérôme Lacour (Geneva, Switzerland).
2025-29: Top2G4: Understanding & tuning the cellular properties of G4 ligands (CoI; PI: S. Britton, IPBS FR), ANR
2025-29: International Research Network (IRN) on Nucleic Acid Junctions, CNRS Chimie (PI)
2024-27: IMPALA: Innovation Moléculaire Pour les Affections Liées à l'Age, ICE grant Conseil Régional de Bourgogne (PI)
2024-25: MoBiDiC: Molecular, Biomimetic probes for the Diagnosis of Cancers, CNRS innovation (PI)
2023-26: Pediatric Osteosarcoma (CoI; PI: V. Géli, CRCM FR). Ligue contre le Cancer
2022-25: InJUNCTION: Chemical tools for investigating DNA junctions (PI). ANR
2022-25: G4s in Stress Granules: Co-PI with Eran Hornstein (Dpt. of Molecular Genetics, Rehovot, IS). WIS/CNRS grant, CNRS MITI.
2021-23: ANASTASIA: Alternative nucleic acid structures stabilization triggers replicative stress and induce apoptosis (PI). ISITE BFC (UB21018.MUB.IS)
2020-24: G4s in NVUs: G4-DNA as senescence markers in the neurovascular unit (CoI; PI: A. S. Tsvetkov, UThealth, TX USA). NIH (NIH R01 PAR-19-070)
2019-22: SEQUENTIA: Sequencing technologies adapted to the study of dementia (PI). FEDER-FSE Bourgogne 2014-2020.
2019-21: ANASTOMOSIS: Alternative Nucleic Acid Structures as Targets for Organic Molecules to Orchestrate Sustained genomic Instability and cellular Stress (PI). Plan Cancer 2014-2020 INSERM.
2019-21 : CoolCat: Constrained oligonucleotide-based catalysts (CoI). ANR (ANR-18-CE07-0017-03).
2018-20 : DEMENTIA: Exploiting genetic biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases for developing early diagnostic tests and possible treatments (PI). ANR (ANR-17-CE17-0010-01).
2017-19 : STARFISH DNA: Stalling the Replication Fork via the Impedimental Stabilization of Higher-order DNAs (PI). European Commission (H2020-MSCA-IF-2016-750368).
2015-16 : Des sondes fluorescentes intelligentes pour déchiffrer le mécanisme d’action in cellulo d’agents anti-cancéreux (PI). FEDER (PARI2-DS3-2015).
2010-13 : TuMOR TAG: Tumor-specific multi-operating radiotracers targeting telomerase and G-quadruplex (PI) ANR (ANR-10-JCJC-709-1).
2010 : Unusual DNA structures as novel targets for anticancer therapy (PI). Programmes Interdisciplinaires CNRS (PIR-AO2-2010).
2008-10 : Development of molecular tools for imaging all types of cancers (PI). FABER (Conseil Régional de Bourgogne, FABER-2009-149E-149CE)
>120 published articles : cf. list
1 book edited : Biological relevance & therapeutic applications of DNA- and RNA-quadruplexes (Ed. D. Monchaud) © 2015 Future Science, Ltd.
2 patents : WO2010049915, WO2021198239
10 key publications:
Structural Optimization of Azacryptands for Targeting Three-Way DNA Junctions. Angélique Pipier, Titouan Chetot, Apollonia Kalamatianou, Nicolas Martin, Maëlle Caroff, Sébastien Britton, Nicolas Chéron, Lukáš Trantírek, Anton Granzhan and David Monchaud. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2024, 63, e202409780
UV-induced G4 DNA structures recruit ZRF1 which prevents UV-induced senescence. Alessio De Magis, Michaela Limmer, Venkat Mudiyam, David Monchaud, Stefan Juranek, Katrin Paeschke. Nat. Commun. 2023, 14, 6705
Template-assembled synthetic G-quartets (TASQs): multiTASQing molecular tools for investigating DNA and RNA G-quadruplex biology. David Monchaud. Acc. Chem. Res. 2023, 56, 350
Click chemistry-based biomimetic ligands efficiently capture G-quadruplexes in vitroand help localize them at DNA damage sites in human cells, Francesco RotaSperti, Baptsite Dupouy, Jérémie Mitteaux, Angélique Pipier, Marc Pirrotta,Nicolas Chéron, Ibai E. Valverde, David Monchaud. JACS Au 2022, 2, 1588
Interactions of small molecules with DNA junctions. Kane McQuaid, Angélique Pipier, Christine Cardin, David Monchaud. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022, 50, 12636
Global mapping of RNA G-quadruplexes (G4-RNAs) using G4RP-seq, Sunny Y. Yang, David Monchaud & Judy M. Y. Wong, Nat. Protoc. 2022, 17, 870
Identifying G-quadruplex-DNA–disrupting small molecules. J. Mitteaux, P. Lejault, F. Wojciechowski, A. Joubert, J. Boudon, N. Desbois, C. P. Gros, R. H. E. Hudson, J.-B. Boule, A. Granzhan, D. Monchaud. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 12567
DNA junction ligands trigger DNA damage and are synthetic lethal with DNA repair inhibitors in cancer cells. K. Duskova, P. Lejault, E. Benchimol, R. Guillot,S. Britton, A. Granzhan, D. Monchaud J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 424
Applications of guanine-quartets in nanotechnology and chemical biology. L. Stefan, D. Monchaud Nat. Rev. Chem. 2019, 3, 650
Transcriptome-wide identification of transient RNA G-quadruplexes in human cells. S. Y. Yang, P. Lejault, S. Chevrier, R. Boidot, A. G. Robertson, J. M. Y. Wong, D. Monchaud Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 4730
>35 invited lectures ; >40 posters
Science popularization articles in Medecine/Sciences, Journal du CNRS and Encylopaedia Universalis
Highlights in CNRS News, CNRS, Science & Avenir and Pour La Science and twice again by the CNRS in 2024: here et here.
Recommended by the F-1000 in 2011, 2013 et 2018
Covers for New J. Chem., Chem. Eur. J., Nucleic Acids Res., Eur. J. Org. Chem and RSC Chem. Biol.
In interview for CQFD, radio broadcast of the RTS (Radio Télévision Suisse): here and CNRS postcast: here
« Chemistry & nucleic acids » (2h/year, M2 MMHD, Dijon, since 2017).
« Chemistry & cancers » (2h/year, M2R SCM, Dijon, since 2017).
« Chemistry & translational research in oncology » (4h/an, EPHE Dijon, since 2012).
>500 reviewed articles for >80 different journals; cf. WoS profile
Member of selection panel INSERM CSS1 for the appointment of junior/senior INSERM researchers.
Jury for associate professor positions : 32MCF4173 (ICMUB, Dijon, 2013), 32MCF0246 (ICMUB, Dijon, 2012), 85MCF1850 (Université Paris Descartes, Paris, 2010), 32MCF0255 (ICMUB, Dijon, 2010).
Jury for HDR : R. Haudecoeur, DPM Grenoble, 2020; T. Caneque, Institut Curie, Paris, 2019; D. Gomez, IPBS Toulouse, 2017.
Jury for PhD thesis : Lab. S. Millevoi, CRCT Toulouse, 2024; Lab. JC Andrau, IGMM Montpellier, 2023; Lab. M. Hollentsein, Pasteur Paris, 2023; Lab. C. Devillers, ICMUB Dijon, 2023; Lab. D. Verga/JL. Mergny, IP Paris, 2023; Lab. S. Amrane, IECB Bordeaux 2022; Lab. T. Lavergne, UGA Grenoble, 2022; Lab. S. Ladame, Imperial College London (UK), 2021; Lab. C. Cruz Univ. Lisboa (PT) 2020; Lab. G. Salgado, IECB Bordeaux, 2019; Lab. O. Sénèque, CEA Grenobe, 2019; Lab. J.-L. Mergny, IECB Bordeaux, 2018 ; Lab. S. Richter, Unvi. Padova (IT), 2018; Lab. B. Therrien, Univ. Neuchatel (CH), 2018; Lab. M. Demeunynck, DPM Grenoble, 2016 ; Lab. J.-L. Mergny, IECB Bordeaux, 2016 ; Lab. F. Bolze, Strasbourg, 2015 ; Lab. R. Rodriguez, Gif/Yvette, 2015
Jury for Master 1 & 2 : ICMUB, Dijon, Juin 2021, 2020, 2012, 2013 & 2009 ; for M.Phil : Imperial College London (U.K.), Juin 2014.
Expert for funding agencies : European Research Council (ERC), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, UK), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC, Canada), Genesis Oncology Trust (New Zealand), Czech Academy of Science (CAS, Czech Republic), CEFIPRA (France & India), European Science Foundation (ESF, France).