ROUSSELIN Yoann See the English profil sheet

- Statut : Ingénieur(e) de recherche
- Équipe : Search support
- Fonction : Personnel technique et informatique
- Tags : Chimie Structurale
- ORCID : 0000-0002-6702-1303
- Adresse :
ICMUB Institut de Chimie Moléculaire de l'Université de Bourgogne
Bât. MIRANDE - Aille B - Bureau B-105
9 Avenue Alain Savary
21000 Dijon – France - Tél : (+33) 380 393 835
2019 :Installation d'un nouveau détecteur PIXcel 1D (DRX de poudre)
2018 : Installation d’un nouveau microscope Leica avec caméra CCD pour monter des monocristaux.
2016 : Installation nouveau détecteur Photon CMOS shuterless.
2013 : Mise en place d’un nouveau diffractomètre sur monocristal avec détecteur CMOS et double source (Cu et Mo). Installation d’un passeur sur l’appareil de diffraction sur poudre.
2011 : Mise en place d’un diffractomètre de poudre permettant d’analyser et quantifier différentes phases, déterminer des paramètres de maille (affinement de Le Bail), étudier la porosité de nouveaux matériaux micro et mésoporeux (notamment grâce à un miroir focalisant et une chambre en température permettant de travailler avec différents gaz (N2, CO, CO2, H2, …)), détermination et affinement structural ab-initio (affinement de Rietveld)
Depuis 2007 : détermination structurale par diffraction de rayons X sur monocristaux.
Mes activités consistent à déterminer la structure cristallographique par diffraction de rayons X à partir de monocristaux de molécules organiques et de complexes métalliques. Cette technique permet en effet d’étudier les interactions interatomiques et de décrire les différentes conformations moléculaires. Ces déterminations structurales sont également réalisées pour des laboratoires extérieurs privés ou publics.
2004-2007 : Doctorat de Chimie - Physique. Mention Très Honorable. Université de Bourgogne (Dijon) : allocataire de Recherche MENRT, au Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Moléculaire pour la Reconnaissance et la Séparation des métaux et des molécules, dirigée par le Pr. DENAT, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon.
« Synthèse de polyamines cycliques. Compréhension des mécanismes pour la mise au point de méthodes propres sélectives, économes en atomes et en énergie. »
2003 - 2004 : Diplôme d'Études Approfondies de Chimie- Physique. Mention Assez Bien. Université de Bourgogne (Dijon). Stage de DEA dirigé par le Pr. DENAT au Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Moléculaire pour la Séparation et les Applications des Gaz (LIMSAG), Université de Bourgogne, Dijon.
- Fournir un support technique et un traitement / analyse des données
- Procurer, installer, entretenir et dépanner du matériel scientifique
- Planifier et exécuter des expériences scientifiques
- Créer des affiches et des présentations pour des conférences internationales et publier des résultats scientifiques dans des revues à comité de lecture.
Champs d'applications:
- Diffraction des rayons X sur monocristal : étude des configurations absolues de composés chiraux possédant un principe actif (médicaments), étude des distances intermétalliques en fonction de la température de nouveaux composés aux propriétés de luminescence, étude du mode de coordination des nouveaux traceurs d'imagerie médicale. ..
- Diffraction des rayons X en poudre : étude du polymorphisme, contrôle de qualité (alliages, médicaments, polymères ...), taux de cristallinité (polymères, catalyseurs ...), étude comparative d'échantillons après traitements, recherche de la composition chimique d'un produit inconnu, expertise, géologie, génie civil ...
Équipement :
- Diffractomètre automatique Bruker Nonius Kappa APEX II (CCD / tube scellé Mo) et Bruker D8 Venture Photon 100 (tube CMOS / scellé Mo avec monochromateur Triumph / microfocus Cu haute brillance en tube scellé) pour l'analyse de monocristaux
- Diffractomètre automatique Theta - 2 Theta Panalytical Empyrean pour l'analyse de la poudre (Cu)
o 2014
• Synthesis of imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-4-ium salts for the synthesis of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane (TACN) and N- and/or C-functionalized derivatives thereof Denat, F., Desogere, P., Bernhard, C., Rousselin, Y. & Boschetti, F. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Fr.; Universite de Bourgogne . US20140142298A1. 2014.
o 2018
• Electrochemistry of Bis(pyridine)cobalt (Nitrophenyl)corroles in Nonaqueous Media. Jiang, X., Naitana, M. L., Desbois, N., Quesneau, V., Brandes, S., Rousselin, Y., Shan, W., Osterloh, W. R., Blondeau-Patissier, V., Gros, C. P., Kadish, K. M., Inorg Chem 2018, 57, 1226-1241.
• Crystal structure of bis(diisopropylammonium) cis-diiodidobis(oxolato-κ2O1,O2)stannate(IV). Sarr, B., Diop, C. A. K., Sidibé, M., Rousselin, Y., Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications 2018, 74, 502-504.
• Effects of preorganization in the chelation of UO22+ by hydroxamate ligands: cyclic PIPO−vs. linear NMA−. Sornosa-Ten, A., Jewula, P., Fodor, T., Brandès, S., Sladkov, V., Rousselin, Y., Stern, C., Chambron, J.-C., Meyer, M., New Journal of Chemistry 2018, 42, 7765-7779.
• A Comparative IRMPD and DFT Study of Fe(3+) and UO2(2+) Complexation with N-Methylacetohydroxamic Acid. Terencio, T., Roithova, J., Brandes, S., Rousselin, Y., Penouilh, M. J., Meyer, M., Inorg Chem 2018, 57, 1125-1135.
o 2017
• Synthesis, spectroscopic, cyclic voltammetry properties and molecular structure of the thiocyanato-N meso-tetratolylporphyrinato zinc(II) ion complex. Denden, Z., Harhouri, W., Ben Haj Hassen, L., Rousselin, Y., Saint-Aman, E., Nasri, H., Journal of Molecular Structure 2017, 1133, 472-478.
• Cadmium Metal–Organic Frameworks Based on Ditopic Triazamacrocyclic Linkers: Unusual Structural Features and Selective CO2 Capture. Feuchter, H., Ortiz, G., Rousselin, Y., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, A., Brandès, S., Crystal Growth & Design 2017, 17, 3665-3676.
• Regioselective Synthesis of Mono- and Dispiropyrazoline Derivatives via 1,3-dipolar Cycloaddition with Nitrilimines. Rouatbi, F., Mhiri, C., Askri, M., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2017, 54, 1152-1160.
• Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemistry of Open-Chain Pentapyrroles and Sapphyrins with Highly Electron Withdrawing meso-Tetraaryl substituents. Shan, W., Desbois, N., Blondeau-Patissier, V., Naitana, M. L., Quesneau, V., Rousselin, Y., Gros, C. P., Ou, Z., Kadish, K. M., Chemistry 2017, 23, 12833-12844.
• Straightforward synthesis of bis-tetraazacycloalkanes: towards new potential CXCR4 antagonists? Sok, N., Baglin, I., Basset, C., Fakkor, F., Kohli, E., Rousselin, Y., Bernhard, C., Boschetti, F., Goze, C., Denat, F., RSC Advances 2017, 7, 28291-28297.
• Design of new sensitive α,β-unsaturated carbonyl 1,8-naphtalimide fluorescent probes for thiol bioimaging. Sok, N., Nikolantonaki, M., Guyot, S., Nguyen, T. D., Viaux, A.-S., Bagala, F., Rousselin, Y., Husson, F., Gougeon, R., Saurel, R., Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 242, 865-871.
o 2016
• Bis{(4-methylthio)phenylthio}methane as assembling ligand for the construction of Cu(I) and Hg(II) coordination polymers. Crystal structures and topological (AIM) analysis of the bonding. Chaabéne, M., Khatyr, A., Knorr, M., Askri, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Inorganica Chimica Acta 2016, 451, 177-186.
• Crystal structure of 4,4-dibromo-1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-azabuta-1,3-diene-1-carbonitrile. Chaabene, M., Khatyr, A., Knorr, M., Askri, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications 2016, 72, 1167-1170.
• Synthesis of Isoxazole and 1,2,3-Triazole Isoindole Derivatives via Silver- and Copper-Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction. Rammah, M. M., Gati, W., Mtiraoui, H., Rammah Mel, B., Ciamala, K., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Molecules 2016, 21, 307.
• Synthesis, UV/vis, FT-IR and Mössbauer spectroscopic characterization and molecular structure of the Bis[4-(2-aminoethyl)morpholine](tetrakis(4-metoxyphenyl)porphyrinato) iron(II) complex. Ben Haj Hassen, L., Ezzayani, K., Rousselin, Y., Stern, C., Nasri, H., Schulz, C. E., Journal of Molecular Structure 2016, 1110, 138-142.
• The Stereoselective Self-Assembly of Chiral Metallo-Organic Cryptophanes. Schaly, A., Rousselin, Y., Chambron, J.-C., Aubert, E., Espinosa, E., European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 2016, 832-843.
• 1,4-Bis(arylthio)but-2-enes as Assembling Ligands for (Cu2X2)n(X = I, Br;n= 1, 2) Coordination Polymers: Aryl Substitution, Olefin Configuration, and Halide Effects on the Dimensionality, Cluster Size, and Luminescence Properties. Bonnot, A., Knorr, M., Guyon, F., Kubicki, M. M., Rousselin, Y., Strohmann, C., Fortin, D., Harvey, P. D., Crystal Growth & Design 2016, 16, 774-788.
• 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition of diaryldiazomethanes across N-ethoxy-carbonyl-N-(2,2,2-trichloroethylidene)amine and reactivity of the resulting 2-azabutadienes towards thiolates and cyclic amides. Kinghat, R., Schmitt, G., Ciamala, K., Khatyr, A., Knorr, M., Jacquot-Rousseau, S., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Comptes Rendus Chimie 2016, 19, 319-331.
• Ditopic Macrocyclic Receptors with a 4,7-Diamino-1,10-phenanthroline Fragment for Multimodal Detection of Toxic Metal Ions. Abel, A. S., Mitrofanov, A. Y., Rousselin, Y., Denat, F., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, A., Averin, A. D., Beletskaya, I. P., ChemPlusChem 2016, 81, 35-39.
• Designing P-Chirogenic 1,2-Diphosphinobenzenes at Both P-Centers Using P(III)-Phosphinites. Bayardon, J., Rousselin, Y., Juge, S., Org Lett 2016, 18, 2930-3.
• Stoichiometry-controlled cycloaddition of nitrilimines with unsymmetrical exocyclic dienones: microwave-assisted synthesis of novel mono- and dispiropyrazoline derivatives. Gazzeh, H., Boudriga, S., Askri, M., Khatyr, A., Knorr, M., Strohmann, C., Golz, C., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 49868-49875.
• Reinforced cyclam derivatives functionalized on the bridging unit. Sok, N., Baglin, I., Rousselin, Y., Boschetti, F., Bernhard, C., Goze, C., Denat, F., New J. Chem. 2016, 40, 5829-5834.
• Synthesis, spectroscopic, and X-ray structural study of aqua-bis(thymine-N1,N4)-ethylenediamine copper(II)dihydrate [Cu(Thy)2(en)(H2O)].2H2O. Mokhtari, R., Adkhis, A., Berradj, O., Michaud, F., Rousselin, Y., Top, S., Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2016, 47, 841-844.
o 2015
• Crystal structure of diaqua[5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)porphyrinato-κ4N]iron(III) diaqua(18-crown-6)potassium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate)–18-crown-6 (1/2). Ben Haj Hassen, L., Denden, Z., Rousselin, Y., Nasri, H., Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications 2015, 71, m215-m216.
• Modular P-Chirogenic Phosphine-Sulfide Ligands: Clear Evidence for Both Electronic Effect andP-Chirality Driving Enantioselectivity in Palladium-Catalyzed Allylations. Bayardon, J., Maronnat, M., Langlois, A., Rousselin, Y., Harvey, P. D., Jugé, S., Organometallics 2015, 34, 4340-4358.
• Conformational and structural studies of N-methylacetohydroxamic acid and of its mono- and bis-chelated uranium(VI) complexes. Brandes, S., Sornosa-Ten, A., Rousselin, Y., Lagrelette, M., Stern, C., Moncomble, A., Cornard, J. P., Meyer, M., J Inorg Biochem 2015.
• Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Spiropyrrolizidines and Piperazines through Azomethine Ylide Cycloaddition Reaction. Haddad, S., Boudriga, S., Porzio, F., Soldera, A., Askri, M., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Golz, C., Strohmann, C., J Org Chem 2015, 80, 9064-75.
• Crystal structure of (R)-6-fluoro-2-[(S)-oxiran-2-yl]chroman. Rousselin, Y., Laureano, H., Clavel, A., Acta Crystallographica Section E 2015, 71, o552-o553.
• Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward Dialkyl Sulfides RSR: From Discrete Molecular CuIS and CuIS Clusters to Luminescent Copper(I) Coordination Polymers. Knorr, M., Bonnot, A., Lapprand, A., Khatyr, A., Strohmann, C., Kubicki, M. M., Rousselin, Y., Harvey, P. D., Inorg Chem 2015, 54, 4076-4093.
• Efficient Synthesis of (P-Chirogenic) o-Boronated Phosphines from sec-Phosphine Boranes. Bayardon, J., Bernard, J., Remond, E., Rousselin, Y., Malacea-Kabbara, R., Juge, S., Org Lett 2015, 17, 1216-9.
• Synthesis and Structural Study of Tetravalent (Zr4+, Hf4+, Ce4+, Th4+, U4+) Metal Complexes with Cyclic Hydroxamic Acids. Jewula, P., Berthet, J.-C., Chambron, J.-C., Rousselin, Y., Thuéry, P., Meyer, M., European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2015, 1529-1541.
• Crystal structure of tricarbonyl(μ-diphenylphosphido-κ2P:P)(methyldiphenylsilyl-κSi)bis(triphenylphosphane-κP)iron(II)platinum(0)(Fe—Pt). Mohamed, A. S., Jourdain, I., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Acta Crystallographica Section E Crystallographic Communications 2015, 71, 241-243.
• Synthesis of highly substituted spiropyrrolidines via 1, 3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of N-metalated azomethine ylides. A new access to spiropyrroline derivatives. Mhiri, C., Rouatbi, F., Ciamala, K., Monnier-Jobé, K., Khatyr, A., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M., Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 2015, 4, 30-50.
• A strategic approach to the synthesis of functionalized spirooxindole pyrrolidine derivatives: in vitro antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial and antitubercular studies. Haddad, S.; Boudriga, S.; Akhaja, T. N.; Raval, J. P.; Porzio, F.; Soldera, A.; Askri, M.; Knorr, M.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M.; Rajani, D., New Journal of Chemistry 2015, 39 (1), 520-528.
o 2014
• Di-aqua-[5,10,15,20-tetra-kis-(4-chloro-phen-yl)porphyrinato-kappa(4) N]iron(III) tri-fluoro-methane-sulfonate-4-hy-droxy-3-meth-oxy-benzaldehyde-water (1/1/2). Ben Haj Hassen, L., Ezzayani, K., Rousselin, Y., Nasri, H., Acta Crystallogr Sect E Struct Rep Online 2014, 70, m296-7.
• Efficient Synthesis of 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane and 1,4,7-Triazacyclononane-Based Bifunctional Chelators for Bioconjugation. Désogère, P., Rousselin, Y., Poty, S., Bernhard, C., Goze, C., Boschetti, F., Denat, F., European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2014, 7831-7838.
• Synthesis of novel dispiropyrrolothiazoles by three-component 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition and evaluation of their antimycobacterial activity. Haddad, S., Boudriga, S., Porzio, F., Soldera, A., Askri, M., Sriram, D., Yogeeswari, P., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., RSC Advances 2014, 4, 59462-59471.
• 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Indan-1-one Enamines across Arylnitrile Oxides Leading to Novel Cyclic Isoxazoline Derivatives. Jelizi, H., Wannassi, N., El Baker Rammah, M., Ciamala, K., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Strohmann, C., Enescu, M., Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 2014, 51, 383-391.
• A 4-tert-butylcalix[4]arene tetrahydroxamate podand based on the 1-oxypiperidine-2-one (1,2-PIPO-) chelate. Self-assembly into a supramolecular ionophore driven by coordination of tetravalent zirconium or hafnium(iv). Jewula, P., Chambron, J.-C., Penouilh, M.-J., Rousselin, Y., Meyer, M., RSC Advances 2014, 4, 22743-22754.
• Crystal structure of di-[mu]-iodido-bis[(dimethyl sulfoxide-[kappa]O)(triphenylphosphane-[kappa]P)copper(I)]. Kinghat, R., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y., Kubicki, M. M., Acta Crystallographica Section E 2014, 70, 547-549.
• Copper(I) Halides (X = Br, I) Coordinated to Bis(arylthio)methane Ligands: Aryl Substitution and Halide Effects on the Dimensionality, Cluster Size, and Luminescence Properties of the Coordination Polymers. Knorr, M., Khatyr, A., Dini Aleo, A., El Yaagoubi, A., Strohmann, C., Kubicki, M. M., Rousselin, Y., Aly, S. M., Fortin, D., Lapprand, A., Harvey, P. D., Crystal Growth & Design 2014, 5373-5387.
• Supramolecular Architectures Based on Phosphonic Acid Diesters. Lemeune, A., Mitrofanov, A. Y., Rousselin, Y., Stern, C., Guilard, R., Enakieva, Y. Y., Gorbunova, Y. G., Nefedov, S. E., Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 2014, 831-836.
• Structural and Electrochemical Studies of Copper(I) Complexes with Diethoxyphosphoryl-1,10-phenanthrolines. Mitrofanov, A., Manowong, M., Rousselin, Y., Brandès, S., Guilard, R., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, A., Chen, P., Kadish, K. M., Goulioukina, N., Beletskaya, I., European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2014, 2014, 3370-3386.
• Thioetherification of chloroheteroarenes: a binuclear catalyst promotes wide scope and high functional-group tolerance. Platon, M., Wijaya, N., Rampazzi, V., Cui, L., Rousselin, Y., Saeys, M., Hierso, J. C., Chemistry 2014, 20, 12584-94.
• Towards sensory Langmuir monolayers consisting of macrocyclic pentaaminoanthraquinone. Ranyuk, E., Ermakova, E. V., Bovigny, L., Meyer, M., Bessmertnykh-Lemeune, A., Guilard, R., Rousselin, Y., Tsivadze, A. Y., Arslanov, V. V., New Journal of Chemistry 2014, 38, 317-329.
o 2013
• A triclinic polymorph of (-)-(S)-N-benzyl-2-[(R)-6-fluorochroman-2-yl]-2-hydroxyethanaminium bromide. Rousselin, Y., H. Laureano, A. Clavel, Acta Cryst. Sect. E, 2013, 69(12), o1794-o1795.
• 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions of Indan-1-one Enamines across Arylnitrile Oxides Leading to Novel Cyclic Isoxazoline Derivatives. Jelizi, H.; Wannassi, N.; El Baker Rammah, M.; Ciamala, K.; Knorr, M.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M.; Strohmann, C.; Enescu, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2013, 69, o1794-o1795.
• Etude de la réaction de cycloaddition dipolaire-1,3 des ylures d'azométhine N-métallés sur les 3-arylidiènes-1-phényl-pyrrolidine-2,5-diones Haddad, S., Jalloul, I., Boudriga, S., Askri, M., Knorr, M., Rousselin, Y. & Kubicki, M. M. J. Soc. Chim. Tunisie 2013, 15, 1-8.
• (R)-(-)-quinuclidin-3-ol Rousselin, Y.; Clavel, A.; Bonnaventure, I., Acta Cryst. Sect. E 2013, 69 (11), o1672-o1672.
• Cluster-Containing Coordination Polymers Built Upon (Cu2I2S2)m Units (m = 2, 3) and ArSCH2C≡CCH2SAr Ligands: Is the Cluster Size Dependent Upon Steric Hindrance or Ligand Rigidity? S. M. Aly, A. Pam, A. Khatyr, M. Knorr, Y. Rousselin, M. M. Kubicki, J. O. Bauer, C. Strohmann, P. D. Harvey, J. Inorg. Organomet. P., 2013, 24, 190-200.
• Boron Functionalization of BODIPY by various Alcohols and Phenols B. Brizet, C. Bernhard, Y. Rousselin, Y. Volkova, P. D. Harvey, C. Goze, F. Denat, Org. & Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 7729-37.
• Formation of an unprecedented (CuBr)5 cluster and a zeolite-type 2D-coordination polymer: a surprising halide effect A. Lapprand, A. Bonnot, M. Knorr, Y. Rousselin, M. M. Kubicki, D. Fortin, P. D. Harvey, Chem. Comm., 2013, 49, 8848-8850.
• Luminescent P-Chirogenic Copper Clusters A. Lapprand, M. Dutartre, N. Khiri, E. Levert, D. Fortin, Y. Rousselin, A. Soldera, S. Jugé, P. D. Harvey, Inorg. Chem., 2013, 52, 7958-7967.
• O-(Hydroxyalkyl)phenyl P-Chirogenic Phosphines as Functional Chiral Lewis Bases Remond, E; Bayardon, J.; Takizawa, S.; Rousselin, Y.; Sasai, H.; Juge, S. Org. Lett., 2013, 15, 1870-3.
• P-Chirogenic Phosphines Supported by Calix[4]arene: New Insight into Palladium-Catalyzed Asymmetric Allylic Substitution Khiri-Meribout, N.; Bertrand, E.; Bayardon, J.; Eymin, M.-J.; Rousselin, Y.; Cattey, H.; Fortin, D.; Harvey, P. D.; Jugé, S. Organometallics, 2013, 32, 2827-2839.
• Remarkable Inertness of Copper(II) Chelates of Cyclen-Based Macrobicycles with Two trans-N-Acetate Arms Esteves, C. V.; Lamosa, P.; Delgado, R.; Costa, J.;Desogere, P.; Rousselin, Y.; Goze, C.; Denat, F. Inorg Chem, 2013, 52, 5138-53.
• Selectively Functionalized Constrained Polyazamacrocycles: Building Blocks for Multifunctional Chelating Agents Désogère, P. ; Bernhard, C. ; Goze, C. ; Penouilh, M.-J. ; Rousselin, Y. ; Denat, F. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 8, 1538-1545.
o 2012
• (S,S,S,S)-Nebivolol hydrochloride hemihydrate Rousselin, Y., A. Bruel, and A. Clavel,. Acta Cryst. Sect. E 2012, 68, 3352-3352.
• Diethyl 2,2'-(1,4-phenylenedioxy)diacetate Husson J. Husson; Knorr, M.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M. Acta Cryst. Sect. E 2012, 68, o2422.
• Stereoselective Synthesis of o-Bromo (or Iodo)aryl P-Chirogenic Phosphines Based on Aryne Chemistry Bayardon, J.; Laureano, H.; Diemer, V.; Dutartre, M.; Das, U.; Rousselin, Y.; Henry, J.-C.; Colobert, F.; Leroux, F. R.; Jugé, S. J. Org. Chem. 2012, 77, 5759-5769.
• DOTAGA–Anhydride: A Valuable Building Block for the Preparation of DOTA-Like Chelating Agents Bernhard, C.; Moreau, M.; Lhenry, D.; Goze, C.; Boschetti, F.; Rousselin, Y.; Brunotte, F.; Denat, F. Chem. Eur. J. 2012, 18, 7834-7841.
• 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Ethyl Diazoacetate with (E)-3-Arylidenechroman-4-ones. A New Access to Spirocyclopropane Derivatives Wannassi, N.; Jelizi, H.; Rammah, M. E. B.; Ciamala, K.; Knorr, M.; Monnier-Jobé, K.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M.; Strohmann, C. Heterocycles 2012, 85, 835-849
• Identifying three-way DNA junction-specific small-molecules, Vuong, S.; Stefan, L.; Lejault, P.; Rousselin, Y.; Denat, F.; Monchaud, D. Biochimie 2012, 94, 442 - 450.
• Synthesis, crystallographic and electrochemical study of ethynyl[2.2]paracyclophane-derived cobalt metallatetrahedranes, Clément, S.; Guyard, L.; Khatyr, A.; Knorr, M.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M.; Mugnier, Y.; Richeter, S.; Gerbier, P.; Strohmann, C. J. Organomet. Chem. 2012, 699, 56-66.
o 2011
• Design and Photophysical Properties of Zinc(II) Porphyrin-Containing Dendrons Linked to a Central Artificial Special Pair, Brégier, F.; Aly, S. M.; Gros, C. P.; Barbe, J.-M.; Rousselin, Y.; Harvey, P. D. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 14643-14662.
• Effect of t-BuS vs. n-BuS on the topology, CuCu distances and luminescence properties of 2D Cu4I4/RS(CH2)4SR metal-organic frameworks, Knorr, M.; Guyon, F.; Kubicki, M. M.; Rousselin, Y.; Aly, S. M.; Harvey, P. D. New J. Chem. 2011, 35, 1184-1188.
• Selective CO2 Adsorption by a Triazacyclononane-Bridged Microporous Metal–Organic Framework, Ortiz, G.; Brandès, S.; Rousselin, Y.; Guilard, R. Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6689-6695.
• Synthesis, structure and coordination properties of three cyclam-based ligands bearing one scorpionate arm, Kannappan, R.; Rousselin, Y.; Jabri, R. Z.; Goze, C.; Brandès, S.; Guilard, R.; Zrineh, A.; Denat, F. Inorg. Chim. Acta 2011, 373, 150-158.
o 2010
• Reactivity of Pd3(dppm)3(CO)n+ and Pd3(dppm)3(CO)(RCCR)n+ (n = 0, +1, +2) Towards F−. Evidence of Reactive Intermediates and X-Ray Structure of [Pd3(dppm)3(MeO2CC≡CCO2Me)(F)]PF6, Fournier, S.; Cugnet, C.; Vallat, A.; Devillers, C.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M.; Lucas, D.; Mugnier, Y.; Harvey, P. J. Clust. Sci. 2010, 21, 837-856.
• Regio- and Stereoselective 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of C-Aryl-N-phenylnitrones over (E)-Arylidene-(2H)-indan-1-ones: Synthesis of Highly Substituted Novel Spiro-isoxazolidines, Wannassi, N.; Rammah, M. M.; Boudriga, S.; Rammah, M. E. B.; Monnier-Jobé, K.; Ciamala, K.; Knorr, M.; Enescu, M.; Rousselin, Y.; Kubicki, M. M. Heterocycles 2010, 81, 2749 - 2762.
• First bodipy–DOTA derivatives as probes for bimodal imaging, Bernhard, C.; Goze, C.; Rousselin, Y.; Denat, F. Chem. Comm. 2010, 46, 8267-8269.
• Enantioselective Hydrogenation Catalysis Aided by a σ-Bonded Calix[4]arene to a P-Chirogenic Aminophosphane Phosphinite Rhodium Complex, Khiri, N. ; Bertrand, E.; Ondel-Eymin, M.-J. ; Rousselin, Y.; Bayardon, J. ; Harvey, P. D.; Jugé, S. Organometallics 2010, 29, 3622-3631.
• Reactivity of CuI and CuBr toward Et2S: a Reinvestigation on the Self-Assembly of Luminescent Copper(I) Coordination Polymers, Knorr, M.; Pam, A.; Khatyr, A.; Strohmann, C.; Kubicki, M. M.; Rousselin, Y.; Aly, S. M.; Fortin, D.; Harvey, P. D. Inorganic Chem. 2010, 49, 5834-5844.
• Efficient Synthesis of New C-Functionalized Macrocyclic Polyamines, Rousselin, Y.; Sok, N.; Boschetti, F.; Guilard, R.; Denat, F. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 1688-1693.
• Exploring the redox reactivity of magnesium porphine. Insight into the origins of electropolymerisation, Devillers, C. H.; Lucas, D.; Dime, A. K. D.; Rousselin, Y.; Mugnier, Y. Dalton Trans 2010, 39, 1-8.
o 2009
• 1,8-Bis[3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl]-1,8-diazoniatricyclo[,8]hexadecane diiodide, Rousselin, Y.; Denat, F.; Lebeau, B.; Walcarius, A. Acta Cryst. Sect. E, 2009, 65, o2531.
• The Cu(II) complex of a C-lipophilized 13aneN4 macrocycle with an additional protonable amino group as micellar anion receptor, Denat, F.; Diaz-Fernandez, Y. A.; Pallavicini, P.; Pasotti, L.; Rousselin, Y.; Sok, N. Dalton Trans, 2009, 6751 - 6758.
• Synthesis of meso-Polyphosphorylporphyrins and Example of Self-Assembling, Enakieva, Y. Y.; Bessmertnykh, A. G.; Gorbunova, Y. G.; Stern, C.; Rousselin, Y.; Tsivadze, A. Y.; Guilard, R. Org. Lett., 2009, 11, 3842-3845.
• Multiarm Cyclam-Grafted Mesoporous Silica: A Strategy to Improve the Chemical Stability of Silica Materials Functionalized with Amine Ligands, Etienne, M., Goubert-Renaudin, S.; Rousselin, Y., Marichal, C., Denat, F., Lebeau, B., Walcarius, A., Langmuir, 2009, 25, 3137-3145.
• Cyclam-functionalized silica-modified electrodes for selective determination of Cu(II), Goubert-Renaudin S., Etienne M., Rousselin Y., Denat F., Lebeau B., Walcarius A., Electroanalysis, 2009, 21, 280-289.
o 2008
• Micelles as Containers for Self-Assembled Nanodevices: A Fluorescent Sensor for Lipophilicity, G. Chirico, M. Collini, L. D'Alfonso, F. Denat, Y. A. Diaz-Fernandez, L. Pasotti, Y. Rousselin, N. Sok, P. Pallavicini, ChemPhysChem, 2008, 9, 1729-1737.
èCommunications orales
- Un nouveau précurseur pour la synthèse de polyamines cycliques, Journées des Ecoles Doctorales Carnot et Pasteur (Besançon, 2006).
- New synthetic tool for the preparation of macrocyclic polyamines, 2nd workshop Germany-France (Dijon, 2006).
- Nouvelles méthodes de C-fonctionnalisation de polyamines cycliques, Journées des Ecoles Doctorales Carnot et Pasteur (Dijon, 2007).
- Efficient tools for the synthesis of cyclen and cyclam derivatives, F. Denat, F. Boschetti, F. Chaux, Y. Rousselin, R. Guilard, 2nd ISMSC (Salice Terme, Italie, 2007).
- A fluorescent micellar lipophilicity-meter for carboxylates, VIII Congresso Nazionale Di Chimica Supramoleculare (Trieste, Italie, 2007).
èCommunications par poster
- Nouvelle méthode de synthèse de monooxotétraazacycloalcanes, Journées des Ecoles Doctorales Carnot et Pasteur (Dijon, 2005).
- Un nouveau précurseur pour la synthèse de polyamines cycliques, Y. Rousselin, F. Denat, R. Guilard, 1ères journées du GPOL (Landeda, 2006).
- New route for the C-functionalisation of macrocyclic polyamines, Y. Rousselin, F. Denat, F. Boschetti, R. Guilard, 2nd ISMSC (Salice Terme, Italie, 2007).
- A fluorescent micellar lipophilicity-meter for carboxylates, 2nd ISMSC (Salice Terme, Italie, 2007).
- One-pot synthesis of Cyclam-functionalized MCM-41 and MCM-48 mesoporous silicas for heavy-metal Remediation,
- Cu(II) detection at a carbon paste electrode modified by amorphous and ordered cyclam-functionalized mesoporous silica,
- Structural Investigation of Ordered Mesoporous Silicas Functionalized by Direct Synthesis with Cyclam Derivatives, >NANO-V (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2008).
- Synthesis of new multifunctional chelating agents based on macrocyclic tetraamines,